All about Sunuwar

A Kiranti-Kõits Ethnography

A Kiranti-Kõits Ethnography

Kiranti-Kõits (Sunuwar, Sunwar, Bhujuwar, Pirthwar, Mukhiya, Mukhia, Surel) Ethnography, Mongoloid-stock, history, identity, language, script and culture-Sikkim-India, Nepal, UK, USA, Canada, Austr… by Dr Lal-Shyãkarelu Rapacha in Humanities … READ MORE >>..

One Comment to A Kiranti-Kõits Ethnography

  1. Anurag says:

    Hello sir, I recently discovered this site where people from sunuwar community posts about day to day activities and many things about the culture too. I’m a student of ethnomusicology having a keen interest to know more about the Sunuwar culture and their music. As i couldn’t find enough resources to know about the community, I would be obliged if you could provide me or guide me through the resource.


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