All about Sunuwar

किरात येले संवत्को काल निर्धारण सम्बन्धी

अन्तरक्रिया सम्पन्न

किरात समन्वय समिति, किरात येले संवत् अध्ययन समन्वय समिति
मिति : १४ दिसेम्बर, २०१०
स्थान : आदिवासी जनजाति उत्थान राष्टिय प्रतिष्ठान, जावलाखेल

समय :१२.३०

अध्यक्षता : दुर्गा राई, किरात राई यायोक्खा, केन्द्रिय समिति, काठमाडौं
अतिथि :मञ्जुल याक्थुम्बा, डा. चैतन्य सुब्बा
सञ्चालक : योगराज लिम्बु
स्वागत तथा जानकारी : प्राज्ञ अमर तुम्याङ, सदस्य, किरात येले संवत् अध्ययन समन्वय समिति
काल गणनामा एकरुपता नभएको हुँदा ठोस प्रमाणसहित निश्कर्षमा पुग्नु पर्ने भएको हुँदा यो अन्तरक्रिया भएको हो । यो अभियानलाई थेग्न सक्न नसकिने भएको छ । छलफलको श्रृंखलाले परिपक्वता पायो पाएन भन्ने कुरामा टुँगोमा पुगोस भनि यो कार्यक्रम समन्वय र निरन्तरताको लागि यो यात्रालाई टुँगोमा पुगोस भन्ने लागेको छ । यो चाहिँ चुलो सल्लाह जस्तो होस् । नजीकको भावना होस । चार किरात संस्थाहरु एक ठाउँमा आओस भन्ने अनुरोध गरि निर्णयात्मकमुलक होस यो अन्तरक्रिया ।

सञ्चालक ः यो वहसलाई थेग्ने किसिमले लाल मोहर लगाउन चार किरात संस्था यहाँ प्रस्तुत भएका छौं । यहाँ स्रोत व्यक्ति हुनुहुन्छ ः इतिहासविद डा.जगदिशचन्द्र रेग्मी ।

स्रोत व्यक्ति डा.जगदीशचन्द्र रेग्मी
यस विषयमा लागेका साथीहरुको सक्रियताले राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तराष्ट्रिय विचार गोष्ठी र सम्मेलन भई सकेको छ । यहाँ दुई सम्मेलनले धेरै उपलब्धि गरेको छ । तर ढिलो भएको छ ।
येले राजाको पहिलो मान्ने हो भने बोल्न सजिलो र प्रमाणिक हुन्छ ।
इतिहासलाई साक्षी राखी ३७८९ उल्लेख हुनु पर्ने लेख्नु पर्ने अनुरोध छ ।
दुर्गाहाङ याक्खा
राजाहरुको नाममा एकरुपता गरी संवत् तय गर्ने ।
अरु दस्तावेज प्रमाणलाई बन्द गरेर गोपाल वंशवली लाई मूल प्रमाण मान्ने ।
नामको खोजी नगरौं । संविधानमा लेख्नतिर दबाब दिऔं । प्रमाण बलियो मान्नु पर्छ । फुट नोटमा मात्र दिने ।

नयाँ दिन कहिलेबाट शुरु गर्ने ।

बैरागी काइँला
जहाँबाट तिथिमिति अन्त हुन्छ त्यसपछि मौखिक इतिहास मानिन्छ ।
गलत लिपिकरण पनि हुनसक्छ । अभैm लिपिवद्ध गर्ने गरौं । हामीमा पनि पूmर्ति हुनु प–यो । नभएसम्म यथावत् राखौं । मेरो विचारमा त कलिसम्बत दावी गरौं न अनार्यको पनि सभ्यता थियो । हामी चार किरात मात्र दाबी गरी रहेको छौं । यो कार्य प्रचारात्मक रुपमा पनि जानु पर्छ । संविधानमा लेख्ने भन्दा पनि साँस्कृतिक प्रचारात्मक कार्य गराउनुस । बुझेर लेख्दा राम्रो हुन्छ । काल गणनमा नमिलेको कुरा लेनादेना गरेर मिलाउनु होला ।

भूपाल राई, पूर्व जिएम, राष्ट्रिय नाचघर ।
मेरो पनि इतिहास भनेको विज्ञान नै हो । विज्ञान सम्मत जान मिथोलोजी पनि आधार हो  । यलम्बर नाम पनि मतभेदमा आयो । विज्ञानसम्मत भन्दा अगाडिको एउटा चरण मिथोलोजी पनि हो । पटुक र पुस्क वीच खासै फरक देखिँदैन ।

सोही कार्यक्रममा प्रचीन किरात इतिहासको लेखक डा.जगदीशचन्द्र रेग्मीलाई मुन्धुम पब्लिकेशनले पुस्तकको रोयल्टी रु. १५,०००। पन्ध्र हजार नेपाल प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठानका कुलापति तिलविक्रम नेम्वाङ ‘वैरागी काइँला’ ले हस्तन्तरण गर्नु भयो ।
उक्त कार्यक्रममा चार किरात संस्था सुनुवार सेवा समाजका प्रतिनिधि, किरात राई यायोक्खा, किरात याक्खा छुम्मा, किरात याक्थुङ चुम्लुङका अध्यक्षले पनि आ–आफ्नो विचार राख्नु भयो ।

14 Comments to किरात येले संवत्को काल निर्धारण सम्बन्धी

  1. chandra pks sunuwar says:

    Well i already posted my greetings in GUEST BOOK please do not forget to view.Still i am keen interested to post of greetings to all kiratas of the world through this comment.
    Dear all kirants,
    First of all i have great appeal on you guys.This is historical moment to start our historical kirant new year the yele sambat.However still 2 more months to go this time i want to make you aware for all kirantis of the world.Their new year is just about to come and histry of nepal about to change and re-write.Hopefully every single kiratas of world participate in this forth coming new year and make success.Our great god king yalambar who had deep sleep in his great graveyard now time to open CHINDO and spray with the milet beer or KODOKA JAND.This is responsibility of every kiranti to make success of our kiranti new year and make new year of nepal for every body in near future.I have advance greeting regarding kirant yele sambat for everybody please accept it in advace.
    May the dawning of this kiranti New Year, fill your heart with new hopes, open up new horizons and bring for you promises of brighter tomorrows.
    new are the hopes and the aspirations, new is the resolution, new are the spirits and forever my warm wishes are for all kirantis.
    We will open the book of kiranti era. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves.
    The book is called Opportunity of all kirantis of kirant deshe nepal and its first chapter is The kirant yele sambat.
    Think the Old hindu Year Bikram sambat has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The kiranti New Year has taken possession of the clock of time.
    All kiranti hail the duties and possibilities of the forth coming days.
    May you promising and fullfilling legedary kirant New Year the yele sambat 5071
    For your brief knowledge regarding kirant yele sambat.Have take look which is as follows,
    The Yele Sambat
    Yele sambat is kiranti new year and it used to celebrate in the time of maghe siri panchami or sukla panchami.This new year used to celebrate since unknown ancient time by kiranti people as new year and considered this day as very lucky,Prosperouse and happy day for all kirantis.This yele name is coming from king yalamber who officially declared this day as new year for kiranti people so from his name this sambat or year is called yele sambat.This siri panchami or sukla panchami was so precious day for kiranti people when the yalamber defeated the gopal dynasty king Bhuvansingh in nepal and started kiranti era this was day of siri panchami.Altogether, there were 29 kings of this dynasty who ruled over Nepal for about 1225 years But according to kirant bansawali record there is 34 kiranti king who ruled the Nepal .
    According to the chronicle (Bansawali) of Kirkpatrick, Kiratas ruled over Nepal from about 900 B.C. to 300 A.D. During this long period, altogether 29 Kirat Kings ruled over the country’.yalamber was such mighty and legendary kirant king who led the kirata in legendary kuruchetra war of Mahavarata. Kirant people considered him as god king as incarnation of mahadeva so he is called AKASH VAIRAB AS WELL. Another form of lord Siva or lord of terror. The temple, a three storey structure now stands in the busy square of Indra Chowk is the temple of AKASH VAIRAB or temple of legendary kirant king yalamber.The twenty-nine Kings were : 1.Yalambar 2.Pari 3. Skandhar 4.Balamba 5.Hriti 6.Humati 7.Jitedasti 8.Galinja 9.Oysgja 10.Suyarma 11.Papa 12.Bunka 13.Swawnanda 14.Sthunko 15.Jinghri 16.nane 17.luka 18.Thor 19.Thoko 20.Verma 21.Guja 21.Guja 22.Pushkar 23.kKeshu 24.Suja 25.Sansa 26.Gunam 27.Khimbu 28.Patuka 29.Gasti
    The last King of the Kirant dynasty was Gasti. He proved to be a weak ruler and was overthrown by the Sombanshi ruler Nimisha. It brought to the end of the powerful Kirant dynasty.When they defeated by lichabi king Again they Regrouped and formed the another kirant kingdom in banepa that day was maghe siri panchami or sukla pagnchami.Their new kirant kingdom was started from Sanga Bhanjyang hill Kathmandu valley to Sikkim in east and remain as hostile power for the lichavi.After Twenty years of ruling in banepa as kiranti kingdom Later this kingdom was divided into 3 small kingdom they were called Wallo kirant, majh kirant and pallo kirant with the different kings. Among them wallo kirant had boarder from sanga bhanjyang from west to dudh koshi in east.Friest king of wallo kirant was king Binicha.He was such mighty king and had power of wishful death only. according to myth he had hidden Tupi{long hair in middle of the head} without cutting this he wouldn’t die this was his secrecy and famous for magic and art of warfare. According to sunuwar kirant chronicle he used to form this wallo kirant in the time of maghe siri panchami or sukla panchami another form of yele sambat in Bhuji kot gaun in ramechap district so he declared that day is new year as it is like before. This new year used to celebrate like chandi beating dhole,chyamta and sacrificing many animals and eating, drinking making addition they used to do stick fighting, sword fighting khukuri fighting and game of archery. This kind of game was so dangerous could easily break head and vulnerable to die as well but this was kiranti tradition and game of warrior race so nothing to do with this festival. Once passer-by two saints yogi named Kalbhairung and kal narsing seen this wallo kiranti new year and so much horrified. They Try to teach sunuwar this festival need to avoid because they seen many warrior bleeding and they took sword from them and brought In Hanuman Dhoka in Kathmandu. In addition all kirant young lad and lady get together and make appointment for marriage if they like each other. Pierced the ear for young people to wear rings, cut the hair, get together the relatives, Build new houses, To give new clothes this is tradition in sunuwar.There is say for kiranti people no need to see Sahit{good day} for start life journey. This festival was completely banned after conquest of gorkha darwar but still remain in the time of rana government illegally but after rana government this festival is completely banned all sort of kiranti documents were burned and destroy which the office used to call Jatiya nasta bivag {gopal Gurung} but still old wallo kiranti sunuwar used to practice and celebrate this new year in time of maghe siri panchami.So recently Friest of all wallo kiranti sunuwar start to celebrate this new year on 2052 Bikram sambat nepalese new years.More then 15 years ago officially from sunuwar welfare society. Now limbu organisation recognise this new year as kiranti new year and start to follow sunuwar’s.This is not only by sunuwar and limbu but we all kiranti must recognise our festival and revive our ancient pride. Nepal is kirant Deshe and ridiculously we are not celebrating our kirant festival and religion. We are such rich in historically, culturally and traditionally but we seems losing our all faith. This festival is not only lucky for kiranti but many other people as well. In the time of siri panchami lord Buddha used to born so all Buddhist celebrate Buddha jayanti{Buddha day} who was one of the greatest kirata scholar in past who gave Nirvana for all human being. He was the great teachers of all human race. Same day Chinese people have Chinese new year which is called chunche there is strong connection with Chinese new year chunche and yele sambat. yele sambat and chunche might be same in past because kirata people were originated in Hunan province of china 6000 BC.In this siri panchami Hindu goddess saraswati puja{worship}is done. She is the goddess of learning. She used to be kiranti goddess Vedic people just forcefully trying to bring in Hindu fold.Sarswati in the Vedas was goddess of wealth, fruits and well being not as goddess of learning and intelligence. Sarswati today is clothed with white colour which had derived from Khuluma of Tripuri kiranti people who is goddess of cotton and learning as she teaches us to weave and design the clothes. Khuluma is considered white colour as she for cotton. It clearly shows goddess of learning saraswati is our kiranti god So value of siri panchami or sukla panchami is something beyond our imagination for kiranti people. The full moon has different place for all living being. This is day of god,goddest,legendary story of wolf. All living being are happy to see full moon.Kiranti people have myth and belief that day all SIME,BHUME,NAG AND NAGINI{Goddess of earth, goddess of water and serpent king} They all come out on Earth to breath and see the human activity and for blessing if they worship and appease them. This day people have belief that day naga king or serpent god change him as human form so come in house disguising as yogi and blessed people so some people worship naga as well.Kiranti sunuwar has belief this day is important and it’s called KHARO BAR OR KHARO DIN so they have belief, that night 7 brother BANESKHANDI{JUNGLE GOD} come to visit every GOTH{HUT}to bless animal. There is folk lore that day kiranteswore mahadeva and kirantni parbati take bath in high Himalayan holy lake like JHATA POKHARI,NIRMAL POKHARI,BHUT POKHARI,PANCH POKHARI,GOSAI KUNDA,TILICHO TAL,CHYO ROLPA,HALESWARI,KAILASH MAN SAROWAR TAL AND other many more. For novelist, story writer, poem writer and lovers this full moon is something different. According to science sun start to move from south pole to north pole so this new year the day of siri panchami is really really essential. All this kind of worship used to do in kiranti new year day the yele sambat.This yele sambat which we celebrating today in maghe siri panchami created confused for kiranti people who doesn’t have sufficient historical knowledge about this and misunderstood as MAGHE SAKRANTI but this is not maghe sakranti this is yele sambat kiranti new year which we celebrate in maghe siri panchmi.Because of time and difficulty of fixing the time some kiranti organisation start to celebrate in time of magh 1 gate but it has to be in time of maghe siri panchami or sukla panchami or basanta panchami.Kirata race were such ancient and used to tussle with god,goddest and demon in their daily life. They were only not ancient but also had very developed civilization like Indus civilization and Mohenjo-Daro civilization. Ancient Indian civilization is civilization of kirata.This great civilization was situated in north east Himalayan range of Mahavarata.According to S.k chattarji north eastern kiranti civilization was key civilization of ancient India. They were the supreme power in that era. If you see the 10000 BC Scientific human evolution film then you can find out how civilize we kiranti were in past. When southern Chinese people used to cultivate paddy and living with happy civilize life that time how westerner were struggling for resources and living in cave like jungle man. Due to dynamic of time they start to loose their colony,civilization,culture,tradition one after another but now this is our duty to restore ancestral pride and their spirit.we must revive our own culture rather than to follow someone’s religion, culture and tradition so This is the time for all kiranti to celebrate our own legendary new year the yele sambat.
    By Chandra Prakash Sunuwar
    Dhobighat, Lalitpur, Kathmandu

  2. koitsbu kaatich says:

    rimsyo la?ti On pan da me Scholar bonabon lateke. Oden nelli koits sochbocha maltau. Thanx 4 Koinch Scholar Cp Sunuwar. Tapaiko Itihas Adhdhyanle Sabai Kiratiko jay hos. hami avary chaun.
    Koitsbu kaatich
    member, Kirat yele Sambat Adhdhyab samanwoya Samiti.

  3. chandra pks sunuwar says:

    Thanx katicha ji,
    I feel so weak infront of you when we communicate in sunuwar language because mine is too poor just for communication but your’s is so high qualities such wonderfull filled with the literature and so fluent as well.I believe you are the king of sunuwar language.beg me pardon not communicating sunuwar language and once again thanx for commenting.

  4. Rita says:

    Thanks for vital information.

  5. Dr Lal-Shyãkarelu Rapacha says:

    multsan glusha bat. lo yo garmet.

  6. shyaral says:

    ten kirat mmile pachhi balla yele sambat ko kura sambat yele lipi k ho vasa ? it is good job.

  7. Narayan bdr says:

    kirant yele sambat jai hos.kirant ekta jindabad.

  8. prakashsunuwar says:

    jay ho

  9. siba kumar says:

    Yo yele sambat sambandhi samchar dine sampurna bandhu haruma muri muri dhanyabat cha.

  10. Sankar sunuwar (Baharain) says:

    Mero Tarpha bata pani sabai sunuwar bandhu harulai namaskar ra subhakamana hai.
    Yele sambat[Siri panchami]Yehi Magh 25 Gate parcha.Adakchya Mana prasad sunuwar ra aru padadhikari harulai yo sambandhi gyan chaki chaina.Chaina bhane aba hunu paryo.rimsyo yele sambat.

  11. mp sunuwar says:

    sankar ji sachet garaunu bhayekoma dhannebad,tar yahalai yale sambat bare agrim suchana dina chahanchhu karan yale sambat bare halai matra mali gaun kathmanduma payeko raja jay barmako salikko adharma kirat sasanko kal ganana garda jamma 3789 barsa matra hune pramanit bhayeko chha, tyas karan bigatma hamile manaudai ayeko yale sambat gatne bhayeko chha. ra yasko laigi sws,kirat rai yayokha, kirat yakthung chhumlung ra kirat yakachhumma char kirat sammanwaye parishad le adhikarik rupma sarbajanik garnechhau ra sripanchamiko barema bhannuparda sws kendriy samitile aitihasik praman navayeko karan 3 barsa aghidekhi sripanchhami manauna chhodekole yas bare anusandhan garnu parne bisaye chahi ho.dhannebad.

  12. chandra prk sunuwar says:

    First of all i support shankar ji,and oppose mp sunuwar sadly,He said didn’t have evidence for to celebrate siri panchami as new year of sunuwar.I think it just show lack of historical knowledge.First of all In day of siri panchami sunuwar always used to celebrate this new year but stop duing this only after gurkha conquered in kirant land.If you need basic proof please at least read bansawali of ram bahadur sunuwar regarding importance day of siri panchami.Still all sunuwar didn’t stop to celebrate after gurkha conquest for example my own grandfather used to celebrate and many other people in khimti khola.We have live proof and evidece infront of us now we are stop celebrating this is completly sadness.Fist of all we were the sunuwar who started this new year on year 2052 officially now all rai and limbu seized opportunity and start celebrating specially on year 2009,but we sunuwar stop doing this such sad and lack of political awarness,and I believe even mp sunuwar is president of wallo kirant he has zero knowledge for that.Blind folded man can lead others only in blind way.

  13. mp sunuwar says:

    cp jiu commentsko lagi dhannebad,jahasamma sripanchamiko bare kura garnu bhayeko chha tyas barema sunuwar sewa samaj satau kendriy samatiko palama sri panchamiko barema chalfal garda chhalfalma bhagline prayajaso sahbhagiharule yasko aitihasik ta ra praman bare prasna uthaye pachi yasbare anusandhan garne bhanne samma kuro chaleko thiyo tar satau samile halsamma tyas bare kunai anusandhan gareko chhaina ra manayeko pani chhaina ra manauna chahanelai namanau bhanna sakne adharpani chhaina. jaha samma ram bahadur sunuwarko bansawali maile pani adhyan gareko chhu ani bigatma sripanchami maile pani manayekai hu. Ra mp sunuwar wallo kirat ko president vayeko zero knowledge vayeko byaktiko sangya dinubhayeko chha malai lagdainaki ma zero knoledge bhayekai karan wallo kiratrajyako bishayelai ajasamma afno samaye ra paisa kharcha garera bekamma hidiraheko chhu. maile desh bideshma basne sampurna sunuwar bandhuharulai wallo kiratko barema lagi parna ra sahayog garna dherai anurodh gare kasaile wasta garenan. Nepalmai raheka kati sunuwarharule ta sunuwarle rajya magnuhunna samma bhane tar ma lagayat uttam katich, ranbir sunuwar, bhupu lt manbahadur sunuwar ra atit mukkhia jiu bhane lagi parn chhodeka chhainau hami yasbisayma antim samma pani lagi parnenai chhau. ra Tapaile eauta kura k bujnu paryo bhane mp sunuwar sampurna sunuwarharuko hitko nimti kamgarna uk ko visa samet tyagera lagiparko byakti ho jo paisako pachhi daudidaina.antyama ma sunuwar sewa samaj kendriy samitiko bartaman adhakshya samet bhayekole hami sunuwar jatiko hakadhikar ra sunuwar jatiko bhasa,saskriti,dharma ra arthik,unnatikolagi kamgarna lagi parekole bideshmai raherai bhayepani yahaharuko sallaha sujhab ra sahayog sunuwar sewa samajhle pairahne bishawas liyeko chhu bhandai ajalai bida mage feri feri vetaulaha. takecare.

  14. chandra pks sunuwar says:

    Namaskar m.p sunuwar ji,
    Thanks for your detailed response and so much delighted,Onething bear in your mind i am here not to argue with you and sunuwar representative,just for making awarness.I know 100% It’s not your fault and not in time of your presidency but already heppened 2 years ago however you was already part of sws holding important position something Vice president [ I can’t remember],It’s shame and sad day for all sunuwar who are stop celebrating our Great historical Day siri panchami,as i already told you it has evidence,we used to celebrate this siri panchami since immemorial time and officially stopped after gurkha conquest in kirant land,however many old sunuwar were interested and devoted for their culture used to celebrate illigally,One of those was my own grandfather and still many old sunuwar in khimti khola they celebrate.Even Ram bahadur sunuwar highlighted importance of siri panchami around 200 years ago,so we officially stablished same new year in year 2052 BS.What is evidence for kirant yele sambat ,yele tanbge and yele dong???.All of those has direct root to siri panchami which we sunuwar used to celebrate.Seizing this opportunity specially in year 2009 BAIRAGI KAILA went to see MADHAB KUMAR NEPAL in mantri quater for demand of yele sambat which must recognise by state as new year of kiranti.Now all sunuwar ready to accept and surrender what the limbu says,and asked us to celebrate in time of Maghe sakranti instead of siri panchami.It’s good all kiranti must celebrate in same day doesn’t matter magh 1 gate or in time of siri panchami but the real thing is we sunuwar never learned from others like rai and limbu.Siri panchami was the
    direct root or base of kirant yele sambat and now we desgracing siri panchami in such humilated way,is it sounds good?Definiatly not,what i mean is can any sunuwar show leadership rather to follow only rai and limbu?.If we keep following others
    then one day they will be master and we will be slave like we were first to celebrate yele sambat and now we are last or primary to secondary,in that case i used my term all sunuwar are politically back ward.
    Let’s forget about siri panchami move to another topic.I really appriciate what you have done for sunuwar and i know everything about you personally as being brother inlaw.I personally congratulate you as being president of sws and president of wallo kirant autonomous hopefully you will change the face of our sunuwar and make us proud.

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